H2020 – Landsupport Project

LANDSUPPORT is a Horizon2020 project, funded by the European Commission, started on 1 May 2018 and it will last for 42 months.
It involves 19 partners from 10 countries both in and outside the EU (Italy, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Spain, France, Belgium, Slovenia, Malaysia and Tunisia).
The landsupport project is developing an open access DSS for agriculture, forestry, environmental sustainability and land use policies.

Iván Bába-Iván Gyurcsík-Csaba Gy. Kiss: Central Europe in 2020 : Through Hungarian Eyes

Should Central Europe abandon essential components of its identity in order to conform to Western Europe, so that the fate of Europe could be turned in a “good direction,” or is it possible that a deeper integration of the two macro-regions will emerge, where the two, Western and Central parts of equal rank unite to create a genuinely and deeply integrated Europe?

Melinda Harlov-Csortán: Closing remarks about a new phase in Local Flavours project

We have reached a termination of another phase in our Local Flavours project. Many planned and proposed actions could have been fulfilled such as the detailed introduction of the adaptability of both the KRAFT methodology and the knowledge basis of the colleagues at the University of Bologna to the partners’ projects with their unique features,…