Water & Risk – Thoughts of the Paradigm Shift
Lecturer: Prof. János Bogárdi (hydrologist – Univesity of Bonn)
Date: 14th September 2020 at 6. p.m.
The lecture will be accessible by online streaming on the Facebook-page of iASK!
Lecturer: Prof. János Bogárdi (hydrologist – Univesity of Bonn)
Date: 14th September 2020 at 6. p.m.
The lecture will be accessible by online streaming on the Facebook-page of iASK!
The newly renovated heritage building of the former Benedictine Convent and School has reopened in Kőszeg as a hotel on Monday, September 7.
24-30 August 2020
Kőszeg Hungary 9730 Zwinger, Europe House Bibó Auditorium, Szent Jakab Temple
Including concert videos!
(Magyar) Időpont: 2020. június 08. hétfő 17.00 óra
Az eseményt online közvetítjük az FTI-iASK Facebook-oldalán (https://www.facebook.com/iask.hungary).
Date: 03rd June 2020 at 2 p.m.
Live streaming of the lecture will be accessible at https://www.facebook.com/iask.hungary
Date: 26th May 2020 at 2 p.m.
Live streaming of the lecture will be accessible at https://www.facebook.com/iask.hungary
The history of the development of international law should not be left exclusively to international lawyers or jurists, but also to research by historians’ – so says Professor Stefan Troebst.
As a Math-English teacher of Jurisich Miklós Grammar School in Kőszeg Ágnes Lepold’s goal is to demonstrate the topics in the English exams the easiest possible way and help you develop your speaking skills.
This content is available only in Hungarian!
This content is available only in Hungarian!
(Magyar) A Felsőbbfokú Tanulmányok Intézete (FTI-iASK) által megálmodott és 2019. szeptember végén Szombathelyen megrendezésre került Pannónia hangjai című koncert alapját a Pannon régió irodalmi, zenei örökségének kreatív interpretálása adta.
In addition to the infectious, now-frightening (corona COVID-19) virus, Hungarian researchers are also seeking to identify the underlying pathogens that may pose a threat later on.