János Bogárdi (hydrologist – University of Bonn)
Future of Science – Panelists: Eörs Szathmáry (HAS, iASK), János Asbóth (HAS), Dan Brooks (UNL), Ágnes Kóspál (HAS), Balázs Papp (HAS), Peter Schuster (UV), Harold P. de Vladar (PF)
KRAFT Conference 2017 – Presentation of Rafael Sarda (ESADE, Barcelona) – Sustainability in the social-ecological paradigm
Hillary Brown, professor of Architecture (City University New York)
Sándor Kerekes, economist (iASK) Sustainability workshop
EU and Central Europe – Danilo Türk, former President of the Republic of Slovenia, iASK fellow
The Future of Universities and Toward a New Understanding of Knowledge: Chair: Ferenc Miszlivetz (iASK) Panelists: Samuel Martin-Barbero (Camilo Jose Cela University, Madrid), Andrea Pitasi (Gabriele d’Annunzio University, Pescara, IT), Rubin Zemon (Euro-Balkan University, Skopje), Dimitar Nikolovski (iASK), Igor Stipic (iASK)
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