On 19th of December, flames of Hanukkah were lit in Jurisics Square in Kőszeg. The event, organised by the Institute of Advanced Studies and the United Hungarian Israelite Congregation (EMIH), was greeted by the President of the EMIH, László Győrfi, and the Mayor of Kőszeg, Béla Básthy. Andor Nagy, Hungary’s Ambassador to Vienna and László Majthényi, President of the Vas County Assembly, also participated in the candle-lighting ceremony.
After singing the song “Szól a kakas már…”, the participants could taste kosher flodni, beans, bolesta and Hanukkah doughnuts on the square.
After the ceremony, violinist Ernő Sebestyén, cellist György Éder and pianist Ferenc Bognár performed works by Fritz Kreisler in the renovated Synagogue.
The celebration of Hanukkah commemorates a heroic story that took place more than two thousand years ago: the Jews’ fight for freedom from Greek domination. The struggle ended in victory for the Maccabees, but what we call a miracle was yet to come. The Jews found in the recaptured sanctuary only enough pure oil for one day, which miraculously illuminated the Temple in Jerusalem for eight days. By the light of the candles placed in the hanukiah, we have celebrated these eight days of Hanukkah ever since.
Some photos about the event are available by clicking on the image