KRAFT Conference
Date: 18-19 January 2018
Venue: Zalakaros KAROS SPA Hotel
University of Pannonia and Institute of Advanced Studies will organise a conference titled
"Living and working in the Digital Age"
18-19 January 2018
Zalakaros, Hotel Karos Spa**** superior

The conference will be held in Hungarian!
Registration for the conference is mandatory. For this you can download the document below:
Thursday, 18 January 2018
13:30-14:00 – Registration
14:00-16:00 Chair: Zoltán Gaál, professor emeritus, KRAFT coordinator
Opening/Keynote: Ferenc Miszlivetz, Director-General of the Institute of Advanced Studies
István Lepsényi, Minister of State for Economic Development and Regulation
- Irinyi Plan and Industry 4. 0 – Program of the Industrial Development Strategy
Péter Cseresnyés, State Secretary for Labour Market and Training
- Responses of employment policy to challenges
Zoltán Birkner, Campus Director, University of Pannonia Nagykanizsa Campus
- Management of Industry 4.0
Gergely Erdős, research fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies /iASK/
- New opportunities in human management – increasing the lifespan of workforce
Kornél Németh, research fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies /iASK/
- Preparation of the labour market for the Industry 4.0 concept
16:30-18:30 – Chair: Lajos Szabó associate professor, research fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies /iASK
Norbert Kroó, professor emeritus, ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Science and technologies of the 21st century
György Csepeli, professor emeritus, senior research fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies /iASK/
- Industry 4.0 – Human 2.0
Irén Gyökér, associate professor
- New challenges and prospects of HR in the light of the fourth industrial revolution
István Ködmön, production manager, Herend Porcelain Manufactory Zrt.
Quality management 4.0 – Slogen or reality?
Gyula Zilahy, associate professor, research fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies/iASK/
Innovative business models
Ferenc Péter Pach, research fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies /iASK/
Connection between well-being and sustainability
Friday, 19 January 2018
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-11:00 – Chair: Zoltán Birkner, Campus Director, University of Pannonia
Zoltán Vajna, director of business development, MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd.
- 4.0 challenges
Nóra Obermayer, associate professor, University of Pannonia
The future starts today – challenges of knowledge management in the light of Industry 4.0
Gábor Csóti, managing director, INVESTORS IN PEOPLE Kft.
- Revolt of gears, or successful organisations of the future
Krisztina Horváth, HR business partner SAP Hungary
- Only experience counts! – Digital HR-transformation at SAP
Attila Vágó, director, Szatmár Optika Kft.
- O Captain! My Captain! – Employee motivation and changing management roles”
József Takács, strategic HR development manager, Budapest Airport
Business class in community value creation
11:30-13:30 – Panel discussion
– Future organisations and the future of organisations
– Educational challenges and possible responses of Industry 4.0
Closing remarks