Balázs Tangl
Balázs Tangl (Szombathely, 1989), Historian. He is an employee of the Savaria City Museum – Smidt Museum. He graduated at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest with History MA in 2014, and he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Atelier Doctoral Program of ELTE in 2021. From 2016 he was an employee of the Szombathely Diocesan Archives, then from 2019 he is an employee of the Smidt Museum. Editor and co-editor of two books (Iratok Bárdossy László népbírósági peréhez. Budapest: Clio Intézet, 2021. and „Az Úr Irgalma, hogy nem vesztünk el.” A Szombathelyi Egyházmegye második világháborús kárjelentései 1944-1948. Szombathely: Martinus Kiadó, 2017.) and author of several papers (publications: MTMT). His field of research is the relationship between the Habsburg Army and the Hungarian society in the 19th and 20th centuries, especially with regard to the period of dualism. During his scholarship in Kőszeg he is researching military quartering as a form of entrepreneurship in the second half of the 19th and the early 20th century, using the examples of Kőszeg and Szombathely.