Rupert Baumgartner
Curriculum Vitae
professor, University of Graz
Rupert J. Baumgartner is professor of sustainability management at the Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research, University of Graz, Austria. Since 2011 he is director of this Institute and since 2012 Vice-Dean responsible for research of the Faculty for Regional-, Environmental- and Educational Sciences/University of Graz. He is board member of the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS).
Before joining the University of Graz, he was senior researcher in the field of strategic management and industrial ecology at the Åbo Akademi University in Finland and at the University of Leoben, Austria. He published more than 40 journal papers, 3 books and more than 20 book sections. His main research interests are corporate sustainability management, sustainability assessment, LCA, industrial ecology/circular economy, interorganisational management and sustainability-oriented innovation. He was named as DuPont Young Professor 2016 and he was awarded with the Seraphine-PuchleitnerPrice 2017 by the University of Graz as the best PhD-supervisor.