Simon Duke
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Simon Duke is a Professor at the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Maastricht, Netherlands, a Senior Research Fellow at Maastricht University and Visiting Professor, University of Malta. His duties at EIPA are primarily related to the EU’s external actions, including security and defence. He has a doctorate from the University of Oxford. Prior to EIPA he held positions at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the Mershon Center (Ohio State University), Pennsylvania State University and the Central European University. He was also a NATO Fellow. He is the author of several monographs on European and transatlantic foreign and security issues including, most recently, Europe as a Stronger Global Actor: Challenges and Strategic Responses (Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017) and The Maastricht Treaty: Second Thoughts after 20 Years (co-edited with Thomas Christiansen) (Routledge 2013). He has published on similar themes in numerous academic journals. He is also Executive Editor of the Journal of European Integration.