Edit Szántóné Balázs
Dr. Szántóné dr. Edit Balázs was born on April 4, 1947, in Szombathely.
He graduated as a primary school teacher (history and literature) in Pécs, and graduated as a high school teacher at the Lajos Kossuth University of Science in Debrecen, where he received his doctorate in 1984. He taught at the János Bolyai Practical School in Kőszeg and then in Szombathely. From 1978 he taught at the Department of History of the Dániel Berzsenyi Teacher Training College and its successor universities. Since 2004, he has also been teaching Jewish history at the National Rabbinical Training – Jewish University.
In 1993-94 he was a guest lecturer at the Department of Hebrew Studies of Eötvös Loránd University. He was a Fellow at Bar Ilan University in Israel in 1995, receiving several scholarships from the Ministry of Education to the Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem.
His field of research is the history of Jewry in Western Hungary, and several studies and books have been published on the topic. He deals with the theoretical and practical issues of teaching the Holocaust, about which he has also organized accredited in-service teacher training. He has several exhibitions and conferences on various Jewish topics in Szombathely and Budapest, has been organizing free universities throughout the country for decades, and has contributed as an expert in various educational films.
He is currently examining the role of Jewry in the modernization of the region, in the process of urbanization, and in the creation and operation of networks, Jewish communities have shaped the specific historical path of the Pannonian cities.