Leida Ruvina
Leida Ruvina holds a quadrennial degree in “International Communication” and a Master degree in “Communication Systems in the International Relations”, both accomplished with excellent results at the University for Foreigners in Perugia, Italy, and is currently a PhD Candidate at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at UNYT.
For three years she has been a full-time lecturer of Public relations, Political communication and Public speech at the European University of Tirana.
For the last four years Leida offered her expertise as a Civil Servant at the Albanian Ministry of Interior, accomplishing also the “Orientation seminar on Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) for Western Balkan partners”, whose 3 modules (online, in Vienna and Podgorica) were offered by the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), body of the External Action Service (EEAS) of the European Union.
Leida does research in Strategic communication, Political communication and Public relations. As an academic actively engaged in societal security issues with professional knowledge and experience, she was selected and accomplished the Senior Course on Crisis Management and Comprehensive Security (CMCS), given by the Centre for Societal Security at the Swedish Defence University (SEDU) in Stockholm: its two modules “Fundamentals of national and international peace and security” and “Strategic leadership in the global societal security environment” are part of Sweden’s contribution to NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme. Leida’s most recent publications are “Europeanization and Integration as Matters of Perception: Social Movements in a Theorized European Union Context”, published in 2017 by The International Journal of the Humanities: Annual Review (Common Ground Publisher, US) and “Arms up, Guns down. Analyzing the Clash between the Narratives of State and Media Actors on Light Weapons Control in Albania (2017)”, published in 2019 by the European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
For the academic year 2020-2021, Leida is appointed International Researcher of Polányi Centre at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Kőszeg (iASK), Hungary. In her comparative reflective interdisciplinary research, she will collect and compare cases of crisis management and civil resistance occurred in the two last year period (2019-2020) in Albania and Kosovo, critically analyzed through their textual-visual content, in the light of contemporary debates in democratic institutions, security studies and semiotics. She considers the latest developments of COVID-19 global pandemic not only a question of public health, of economic relevance and with psycho-sociological implications (trauma), but also of political consequences, for partial democratic countries with European integration perspectives, at the heart of a region of geostrategic importance.