Eva Lovra
Academy of Sciences
Dr Éva Lovra, Ph. D. (1984) is M. Sc. in Civil Engineering, M. Sc. in Urban Engineering and Ph. D. in Architectural Sciences (narrower topic: urban morphology, history of urban planning). She continued her postdoctoral research at the Space Syntax Lab of The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, and at the University of Novi Sad. She is a senior lecturer/adjunct professor at the Department of Civil Engineering University of Debrecen, senior lecturer in the English-language thought Urban Systems Engineering MSc program, and a lecturer and doctoral supervisor at the UD Doctoral School of Earth Sciences. She is a former researcher at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, carried out her research fellowships in Prague, Zagreb and Bratislava, and gave lectures at La Sapienza and Roma Tre Universities in Rome.
She is a member of the Hungarian National Committee of ICOMOS, and an appointed member of the Cultural-Art Consultative Board of the Hungarian National Council (Vojvodina).
Her main research interests are urban morphology (tipo-morphology), urban planning theory, micro-urbanism, comparative analysis of urban structure configurations, Space Syntax.
Her most recent scientific monograph, Towns in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Urban tissue typology and urban typology 1867–1918. (TERC Kft., 2019) won the Publication Award of the University of Debrecen (2020).