Marjan Marjanovic
Marjan Marjanovic is research fellow at iASK. He is PhD Researcher and Senior Postgraduate Teaching Assistant at the Bartlett School of Planning at University College London and Teaching Fellow at the Department of Spatial Planning at the University of Banja Luka. He was also Fulbright Fellow at the University of Illinois – Chicago, Department of Urban Planning and Policy and Frédéric Bastiat Fellow in Public Policy at George Mason University. He teaches Interdisciplinary Research Methods; Regional Development, Planning, and Policy in a Global Context; Comparative Planning Systems and Cultures; Planning Theories; Planning Research Methods; European Spatial Planning; Green Futures; Management for Built Environment Professionals; Tourism Planning and Development. He is a member of AESOP – Association of European Schools of Planning. His areas of research are Spatial Planning, Governance, Public Policy, Sustainability Transitions
Topics: urban governance and politics, planning for shrinking cities, strategic spatial planning, planning theory, circular economy, and European spatial planning