Mišo Kapetanović
Mišo Kapetanović (Serbia 2018, 2019) works in the fields of cultural anthropology, material culture, and human geography. He is mainly interested in issues related to the contemporary working-class culture, such as informal construction, labor migration (gastarbajteri), popular music and vernacular commemoration practices. He holds a doctoral degree from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (2017, Balkan Studies program) and joint master’s degree in global studies and global history from the University of Leipzig, Germany, and the University of Vienna, Austria. He worked for Documenta – Center for Dealing with the Past, from Zagreb on documenting human losses from the war in Croatia 1991-1995, and as a researcher for the Croatian part of the exhibition “Brave New World – Migrants’ Dream Houses,” (Museum of European Cultures, Berlin).
Topic: Post-Socialist Transformation of the Koprcanica Memorial, Mount Grmec