Balázs Papp
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)
Balázs Papp is a principal investigator at the Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary. In the past 15 years, he has made key contributions to the emerging synthesis between evolutionary and systems biology by employing systems approaches to address long-standing questions in the evolution of genomes and antibiotic resistance. Papp has published several highly cited papers in leading international journals, including Nature, Nature Genetics, PNAS, Nature Communications and PloS Biology. His achievements were recognized by several prestigious fellowships (Wellcome Trust, HFSP, and the ‘Lendület’ startup grant of the Hungarian Academy) and prizes (Junior Prima Prize, Szent-Györgyi Talentum Award). More recently, he has been elected as one of the youngest member of the Academia Europae.