Petra Stankovics
Petra Stankovics is a researcher and environmental lawyer. She graduated as a lawyer from the University of Pécs, Faculty of Law and she specialized in environmental law on the Faculty of Law of the Eötvös Loránd University. She is a PhD student on the Georgikon Campus of Szent István University. His research interests include rural development, soil protection policy and the complex impact assessment of EU fundings. In her analyzes, she focuses on the social, economic and environmental impacts of the legal regulation of different policies. She is the executive editor of the Journal of Central European Agriculture. He worked on the LANDSUPPORT project at the University of Pannonia, Department of Soil Science and Environmental Informatics. She worked as a researcher on the SoilCare project at the University of Newcastle. Her research activity included a comparative analysis of the environmental policy instruments that are suitable for motivating English and Hungarian agricultural actors for environmentally-friendly farming. She earned an internship at the European Commission’s Joint Research Center (JRC ISPRA). She won the scholarship of New National Program of Excellence.