Sanja Tepavcevic
Sanja Tepavcevic is Associated Research Fellow at Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg and the Lecturer at International Studies MA Program of the University of Pannonia. Previously she held various academic and administrative positions at Central European University, Budapest, and faculty positions at Budapest Business University and Eötvös Lóránd University. Sanja is a member of the Budapest-based non-governmental organization Dialogue. In 2016-2019 she joined the Croatia-based Institute of European and Globalization Studies as a Head of Eurasia Department. Dr. Tepavcevic holds a Russian Diploma in Journalism from Moscow State University, an MA in International Relations and European Studies, and a PhD in Political Science from the Central European University. Her research expertise includes Russian foreign policy and foreign direct investments of Russian companies, post-Soviet migrations and immigrant entrepreneurship, and migration and foreign economic policies of former Yugoslav states and countries of the Visegrad 4 Group.
Motives and Patterns of Post-Soviet Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Austria
Abstract: The project addresses the relationship between foreign direct investments from emerging markets, entrepreneurship, and post-Soviet migrations. By applying the Varieties of Capitalism paradigm on immigrant entrepreneurship, the project provides new theoretical insights on the literature on comparative and international political economy, as well as insights for policy-makers on migration at the EU and member-states levels.