James M. Skelly
James M. Skelly (USA–Ireland) is Director of the Centre on Critical Thinking, which he founded, and has been a faculty member at the Köszeg Campus of the University of Pannonia. He served as the Director of the Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies and Professor of Peace Studies at Juniata College in Pennsylvania. He was Visiting Professor of Peace Studies at the Magee Campus of the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland, and Associate Director of the University of California’s Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation; New York University’s Center for War, Peace and the News Media; and, the Irish Peace Institute at the University of Limerick in Ireland. He was also the Academic Coordinator at the European University Center for Peace Studies in Austria; as well as, the European Peace University – Spain, which he helped to create. His research and teaching interests continue to be rooted in the sociology of knowledge and focus on reality construction related to identity, international education, nationalism, and various issues related to peace, conflict, and militarism.
His latest book: The Sarcophagus of Identity: Tribalism, Nationalism, and the Transcendence of the Self.
Topics: War and Moral Injury, Vietnam War, Surveillance Society, Media Studies