Mariann Szabó
Mariann Szabó is a regional economist and holds summa cum laude PhD in economics from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Doctoral School of Economics and Management. Currently she is as a senior lecturer at Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Department of Environmental Economics, as well as a young researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies of Kőszeg. Since September, 2016 she has been the member of the ‘KRAFT’ project team, where she implements projects that aim at measuring the creative potential of city regions. Since 2013 she has been involved in several research activities from preparation of the Local Agenda 21 Program to development of Integrated Settlement Strategies.
The main research areas of Mariann Szabó are connected to general and applied regional economics, more precisely to regional development with special regard to various alternatives to reduce social and economic inequalities. Since the main phenomena of regional economics is that ‘space matters’ meaning that the physical and social circumstances of places determine the function, operation and network of economy, society; sustainable land use have high importance in her research areas especially in the field of Local Economic Development (LED), Regional resilience and Planning for The Rehabilitation of Brownfield Sites.