Márton Vecsei
Márton Vecsei studied philology and specialized in film theory and history at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) at the Faculty of Arts. He became an expert in film studies and graduated with an MA in 2016. The subject of both his BA and MA theses was the antecedents of the road movie genre in Hollywood, its evolution and amalgamation with other film genres. From 2010 to 2013 he studied creative writing at ELTE. He is the co-founder of the Wednesday Salon [Szerdai Szalon] Literary Club at ELTE. He has published film critiques, short stories and essays on literary and cultural websites and in literary journals. In addition, he is the lyricist, singer and guitarist of a blues-rock band called Ask the Dust. In 2016 he catalogued the manuscripts and notes of Elemér Hankiss, and continues to research the audiovisual materials of the Hankiss legacy.