KRAFT Centre
The KRAFT Centre assists innovative regional development, the key to which is the effective cooperation between the socio-economic stakeholders. The KRAFT Index was developed as an integrated framework to evaluate and interpret the interests of these stakeholders.

Hankiss Centre
The Centre cultivates the intellectual legacy of Elemér Hankiss (1928-2015), a highly inspirational and critical Hungarian academic who focused on fundamental aesthetic, philosophical, sociological and anthropological problems.

Polányi Centre
The Polányi Centre probes the challenges posed by the complexities of the global economy and their implications for human well-being. The Centre creates a dynamic space for cross-disciplinary research.

Digital Transformation 4.0
Digital Transformation (DT) is the change associated with the application of digital technology in all aspects of human society.
4.0 refers to the concept of Industry 4.0 and to the 4th Industrial Revolution as well.