Az Osztrák Páneurópai Mozgalom 18 hónapos ösztöndíj projektet hirdet „A polgárok sokdimenziós migrációs kihívásokkal való szembenézése” címmel, melynek társfinanszírozója az EU Európa a Polgári Programért elnevezésű kezdeményezése.
További részletek alul angol nyelven.
About the project
Regional wars, climate changes, socio-economic inequalities, the rise of populism and undemocratic regimes along with it around the world have triggered the greatest migrations after World War II. As such, they started shaping the European political, economic and demographic landscape, which represents a huge pressure on the already established European political ecosystem. Migrations have already influenced and to a certain extent forced the EU policy-makers and decision-makers to start including this topic into the policy-making process (e. g. EU foreign policy, Schengen system, security policies, etc.). According to the EP’s Eurobarometer 2018, immigration, economy and growth, youth unemployment and climate change have come in the forefront of priorities. Not only the politics, but migrations have also changed citizens’ perceptions about intercultural dialogue, opinion about other cultures and the process of building up on mutual understanding.
The project aims at addressing the multidimensional perspective of migrations, from social, economic, intercultural, security, environmental and other aspects. We wish to involve citizens in the EU policy-making process and encourage them to take an active role in initiating policy actions. Bringing at one table political leaders, experts and citizens, presenting each other their views on policies and measures, elaborating each aspect within small working groups, involving them in intense discussions, we wish them to come to conclusions what should best serve to citizens as well as to the future of Europe. With the project, we will enhance the bottom-up approach, empower citizens to better understand the EU policy-making process, foster mutual cooperation between citizens, raise the level of societal engagement and offer an open space for drafting policy proposals for better and common European politics. We will build upon 3I approach: inclusiveness, innovativeness, and interactivity.
The project foresees six main events (international conferences, workshops, policy labs, round-table discussions and lectures), along with the survey and the project proceedings. Active engagement of citizens, institutions, policy-makers, media and other relevant stakeholders will play a key role to achieve the project’s results.
1 March 2020 – 31 August 2021
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Project partners
Paneuropean Movement Austria (lead partner)
Slovenian Paneuropean Movement
Centre for European Policy Studies, Belgium
Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association, Spain
Europe’s Peoples’ Forum, Denmark
Institute of Advanced Studies, Hungary
Paneuropean Union Hungary
ESDES – Lyon Business School, France