ISU 2020 – 25. Nemzetközi Nyári Egyetem – Keringő a bizonytalansággal

Binder Károly: Karanténkoncert


Tangó télen
Meghajtom fejemet (Trianoni emlékverzió)
Mesélek neked
Cédrusok illata

Előadó és zeneszerző: Binder Károly (Liszt Ferenc Zeneakadémia)

Kerekes Sándor: Kockázat felfogás és kulturális ésszerűség

Dancing with the Uncertainty – Trials and Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe, 1989 to COVID-19 29th June – 3rd July 2020 Kőszeg, Hungary Organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) and the Institute for Social and European Studies (ISES), in cooperation with the University of Pannonia, Erasmus+ Program, and the UNESCO Chair…

Navracsics Tibor: A mi Európánk, a mi felelősségünk

Dancing with the Uncertainty – Trials and Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe, 1989 to COVID-19 29th June – 3rd July 2020 Kőszeg, Hungary Organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) and the Institute for Social and European Studies (ISES), in cooperation with the University of Pannonia, Erasmus+ Program, and the UNESCO Chair…

H.E. Mladen Andrlic: Az EU Horvát elnökségének kihívásai

Dancing with the Uncertainty – Trials and Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe, 1989 to COVID-19 29th June – 3rd July 2020 Kőszeg, Hungary Organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) and the Institute for Social and European Studies (ISES), in cooperation with the University of Pannonia, Erasmus+ Program, and the UNESCO Chair…