Réka Zsuzsánna Máthé
Réka Zsuzsánna Máthé started her education be studying communication and German language and literature. Later she obtained a degree in economics from Michigan State University and Babes-Bolyai University with a focus on the management of public institutions. She continued her studies at the Doctoral School of Public Administration at the University of Public Administration, respectively, gaining a scholarship, at the Charles University in Prague. Concomitantly with his doctoral studies, she completed the master’s degree at the College of Europe, graduating with a degree in European Political Science and Public Administration. Réka completed her higher education in Romanian, German, English and French.
As a young researcher, she won a national research competition in 2014, having as the professional supervisor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. As a doctoral candidate, she won the scholarship of the New National Excellence Program. She presented at several international conferences and has published in several domestic and international journals. She gained her teaching experience at the Corvinus University of Budapest and the National University of Public Service.
Réka has worked as a researcher at the American Studies Research Institute and starting 2020 she continues her work at EUSTRAT. Her primary research area focuses on European economic and financial policies, cohesion policies, but her areas of expertise include public diplomacy, European and American identity, social movements, and social capital.