Norbert Kroó
Norbert Kroó was the Vice-President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His fields of interest are material sciences, optics, neutron physics, science policy. He has published over 250 scientific papers and 7 books. He has 40 patents and numerous technical reports and serves on the editorial board of 4 scientific journals. He was formerly President of the European Physics Society (1993-95) and President of the Hungarian Physical Society (1985-90).
He has been Chairman of the ESF Committee on Large Facilities since 1996 and Vice President of the Hungarian National Science Foundation since 1996. He has served as a member of the Executive Committee of EPS (1983-88), Freedom of Science Committee of ICSU (since 1997), Physics Action Council of UNESCO (since 1994), Governing Council of ESF (since 2000), Science Policy Committee of the Hungarian Government (1991-94), Governing Board of the Hungarian National Research Programme (since 2000), Science Advisory Board of the Hungarian Government (since 1999). He serves as a scientific advisor to the EU and several EU countries (Germany, Finland, Ireland). In November 2021, he was elected Executive Chairman of the iASK Advisory Board.